
Consultation with stakeholders of Bhutan’s energy sector

Early this week, Mercados-Aries International‘s team led a consultation with the main stakeholders of Bhutan’s energy sector regarding the RE regulatory framework of the country.

The discussions with the Department of Renewable Energy, the Bhutan Electricity Authority, and the Bhutan Power Corporation started with the review and regulatory gap assessment of the existing framework in Bhutan. The key element to be considered within the project being implemented by MAI is the introduction of the concept of prosumer within the current framework to allow the generation of electricity from grid-connected Distributed Energy Resources systems.

An overview of potential business models and billing arrangements was conveyed to the key actors of the sector, together with international best practices extracted from the regional and international benchmarking carried out by the team. A set of recommendations was discussed amongst the participants focusing on the improvement of the current policies and regulations to create an enabling environment for the promotion of RE in Bhutan.

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