MAI participating in AETP 2020: Energy storage

Last week our company participated in “AETP 2020. Energy storage: Technologies and projects” online seminar with one of our specialists, Amir Ahmadzadeh, as a speaker. Please see below his conclusions about the event:

“It has been a pleasure to participate in this year’s AETP webinar on 26th November, organized by Energetica21, and share panel with other colleagues. Very interesting topics such as auto-consumption at residential and industrial sites, intelligent energy management systems and VPPs for communities, and modular BESS solutions were presented in the 1st day of the Webinar.

From MAI we contributed by presenting a comparison between different energy storage solutions, with focus on batteries and Green-H2, given the highly increasing interests, and recent release of the plans and roadmaps at European and National level (in Spain).

On batteries, a comparison of most common technologies (i.e., Li-ion vs. Flow batteries) was reviewed. On Green-H2, the production and storage process were presented and different Electrolyser technologies (i.e., ALK vs. PEM) were compared. In continuation, a comparison of the most adequate energy storage applications for the under-discussion energy storage solutions (i.e., BESS vs. Green-H2) in power systems were reviewed. And finally, an overview of European Green-H2 strategies and Spanish Green-H2 Roadmap was presented.

The main conclusions of the presented comparison are the following:

  • Without energy storage, the EU cannot achieve its transition to Low-carbon economy. – Quotation for EASE Communication to EC.
  • Battery and Green-H2 storage solutions complement each other in razing the Renewables penetration in power systems, while also contributing to guarantee the system stability.
  • The battery installations will continue raising globally, and it’s very likely to evolve into Battery-as-a-service model. Spain is slightly behind in the BESS developments, where the early implementations would mostly focus on islands and rural areas.
  • Spain has high potential in becoming a reference Green-H2 producer and exporter for Europe, given increasing RES productions, relatively lower RES electricity prices, and the land abundancy.”

You can download the full recording of the event from Energetia21 web site here.

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