The energy sector is in constant adaptation and change becoming Hydrogen and transport key factors. We are currently working on the improvement of the ORDENA® model to also consider H2 producing technologies, and different H2 demands with different price elasticities.
This will allow to improve the results of ORDENA® in high decarbonization scenarios.
The energy industry is undergoing a deep change due to:
- Cheaper renewable energy sources and the substitution of thermal generation in favour of renewable energies.
- The massive introduction of electric vehicles
- The introduction of hydrogen from electrolysis, the so also called “green hydrogen”, as an energy vector for both energy storage and road transport.
A new modeling of the industry will allow us to study the interactions between the energy industry and the incipient green hydrogen industry, in order to analyse the risks and opportunities of both industries, and their possible synergies when meeting emission and decarbonization objectives.

With this project we are integrating into ORDENA’s long-term model of the electricity sector a new set of variables and mathematical constraints to model the hydrogen market, and its production from both renewable sources (green hydrogen) and traditional sources (blue/grey hydrogen).