Cost Minimization and Revenue Maximization for EEP.

The Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) is a fully government-owned public enterprise established to develop and provide electric power. Its financial viability is critical to the sustainability and growth for the overall generation & transmission operation and construction necessities. Currently the electricity tariff does not allow the company to recover its service cost. Moreover, it has […]
Design and Implementation of a Monitoring Framework for NAWEC’S performance

National Water And Electricity Co. Ltd (NAWEC) was established in June 1996 and is engaged in the generation and provision of electricity, water and sewerage services for domestic, public and industrial purposes. The services provided by MAI team have two objectives: Establishing such monitoring mechanism will change the rationale from “what is happening?” to “why […]
International ESIA Disclosure Package and National ESIA of Power Generation Project in Morocco

The Xlinks Power Generation Project in Morocco, Tan-Tan Project, is a large Renewable Energy Power Plant, that has the aim to carry solar and wind-generated electricity from Morocco to the United Kingdom with the following infrastructures: This is a a large Renewable Energy Power Plant to export electricity from Morocco to UK:• Installed Solar PV […]
Capacity Building Program Distribution Sector in India

Mercados – Aries International developed this Technical Assistance (TA) with the objective to help to put in place well structured, clearly defined and robust systems and processes for the power sector entities with the ultimate objective of equipping them to meet the future growth and expansion and achieve improved operational efficiency. The tasks identified to […]
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Program for the Nigerian Power Distribution Sector

Increasing the viability of the Nigerian Distribution Sector This program in support of the Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors (ANED), developed by the bi-lateral French agency AFD and supported by the EU, has recently finalized after providing technical assistance and capacity building to support the viability of the power distribution sector and enhance the bankability […]