Consultancy Services for Facility Management Consultant for Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program

Mercados – Aries International is working with the National Transmission and Despatch Company Limited in Pakistan on the multitranche financing facility for MFF 0092-PAK: Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (MFF II) that will support the investments in the IPPP which aim to expand and reinforce Pakistan’s power transmission system. To achieve this objective, the […]
Technical, financial and economic feasibility study for the reinforcement of a Jordanian 400 kV power transmission corridor

Mercados – Aries International provides assistance to the European Investment Bank (EIB) / NEPCO (Jordan’s power transmission company). The generation plan for Jordan includes a significant amount of new generation coming on line over the next 10 years or to be imported from Egypt. The effect of these new generating plants on the transmission system […]
Preparing the Rajasthan Renewable Energy Transmission in India

For Mercados – Aries International, the main objective of the assignment was to assist the transmission company in Rajasthan (India) (RVPN) to review the existing transmission system planning and operation to accommodate significant renewable energy penetration in the network, to share suitable international experiences and also support evaluation of various alternatives to enable smooth and […]
Feasibility study for 500 and 220 kV interconnection between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

Goals: Installed capacity: 200 MW HSE procedures and records Performance or failures of major components Spare part strategy Operational budget Mercados – Aries International carried out the study aimed to enable the System with a Power Management System made up of the Fast Load Shedding System and Generation Control, Protection Relay Upgrading, Scada&Control upgrading and […]
Feasibility study of the 220 kV Northwest Region Power Transmission Line Project in Uzbekistan

Goals: Installed capacity: 200 MW HSE procedures and records Performance or failures of major components Spare part strategy Operational budget Mercados – Aries International is carrying out a study for Asian Development Bank. The objectives of the proposed power transmission project are the following: improve energy security of Uzbekistan enhance reliability and stability of the […]
Wholesale Metering and Transmission Reinforcement Project Implementation in Tajikistan

1.100 wholesale meters installed 95km of new single circuit conductor 320MVA rated capacity Installed capacity: 200 MW HSE procedures and records Performance or failures of major components Spare part strategy Operational budget Barki Tojik aimed the installation of approximately 1,100 wholesale meters and settlement system and the construction of approximately 95 km of new single […]
Providing Assistance for Tanzania Rural Electrification Expansion Program – Treep

Mercados – Aries International is providing assistance to REA and TANESCO in carrying out all associated duties including the overall management and supervision of the program. In particular there would be 2 parts as follows: Part I: Assistance to REA and TANESCO in supervision and commissioning of all contracts in progress related to the 27 […]
Enabling more renewables and better electricity supply in Cape Verde

Advisory Services to Elaborate the Cape Verde Smart Grid Roadmap Cabo Verde has set ambitious targets for renewables alongside improving security and quality of service. There is a consensus that adopting Smart Grid solutions is the key towards energy transition in the country. For this reason, a Smart Grid Roadmap has been developed by AF […]
Master Plan for the Distribution System and Losses Reduction Study in Dominican Republic

Goals: Timing: April to December 2017. Financing: IADB. CLIENT: CDEEE Beneficiaries: EDENORTE, EDEESTE, EDESUR. Impacted Population: 2.2 Millions of clients. Public distribution companies The project was done for all the public distribution companies in Dominican Republic and includes two stream works: Stream works 1 – Master Distribution Plan: Perform the studies to define the strategy […]
Transmission Master Plan System of Sumatra Study

Timing: March to October 2017. Financing: PT PLN. CLIENT/Beneficiary: PT PLN System Demand: 70GW System Capacity 85GW The Indonesian energy utility PT PLN (the Indonesian energy utility) contracted Mercados-Aries International to review and update the planning methodology, have first-hand experience implementing more complex methods of analysis and provide capacity building to the staff involved with […]