FS of PV Plant in Bosnia & Herzegovina

The objective of the Project was the feasibility study of a grid connected utility scale PV Power Plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with overall installed power of around 50 MWp. The scope of works included the general description of technology, after overviewing the market, and the site assessment relating to solar resource, flooding risk, land […]
Owner’s Engineer Floating PV Vietnam

Mercados Aries International acted as Owner’s Engineer for the construction of a 50 MW floating PV plant, including transmission infrastructure (HV line and substation) and SCADA system Mercados Aries International was involved in the contract negotiation for the EPC packages and in the design engineering revision prior to and during construction. During construction, Mercados Aries […]
Hybridizing CSP MASEN

Mercados Aries International carried out technical advisor activities for the development of two CSP-PV hybrid plants in Morocco during the tender phase. The works included a first review of the request for qualification documents, the minimum functional specifications, the contracts as the power purchase agreement (PPA), and other tender documents. Secondly, MAI was involved in […]
Full Transaction Advisory for PV Tender in Armenia

The objective of the Project was to assess the technical and economic viability of constructing up to grid-connected 6 solar PV power plants with a total installed capacity of 100MWp as Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in locations with high solar irradiation potential. The scope of works included the project inception, where all information available was […]
Construction Supervision of PV Plant in Spain

Mercados Aries International is the Owner’s Engineer for the construction of a 200 MW PV Plant located in Spain, including transmission infrastructure (HV line and substation) and SCADA system. The services encompass the review and approval of any completed as-built package and coordination of the entire design review process, prior to works. Mercados Aries International […]
Contributing to floating PV in Vietnam

Tasks: Detailed engineering revision Equipment manufacture and installation inspection Installed capacity: 50 MW Wire connection by local personnel trained by the Contractor Commissioning supervision Technology transfer and training Construction of a 50 MW Floating PV Plant in a dam We provided technical support for the construction of a 50 MW floating PV plant in the […]
Feasibility Study for 2x1MW PV Plants in Tanzania

Tasks: Installed capacity: 2×1 MW Design review Bidding documentary Consultancy services for the Technical Design of 2×1 MW PV Plants For each of the two sites, a detailed revision of the technical design was carried out, based on the interconnection optimization, to create a “win-win” situation in which the maximum possible produced power is delivered […]
Advising a 200 MW PV plant in Dubai

Installed capacity: 200 MW HSE procedures and records Performance or failures of major components Spare part strategy Operational budget Technical advisor during the Operation and Maintenance phase We acted as Lender’s Technical, Environmental and Social Advisor during the Operation and Maintenance phase of the 200 MW Shuaa Energy I Solar Photovoltaic Power Project in Dubai. […]
Assessing a PV Project in Spain

Works: Due Diligence of 20 MW PV Solar Resource and Energy Yield Assessments Site Assessment Permitting and License Review Contract Review Shareholders Review Lender’s Technical Advisory of 20 MW PV in Spain The assessment included the general project review of the facilities and major technical equipment, with evaluation of access and site. The permits and […]
720 MW Wind Project in Spain

Site Assessment and Permitting Process of 23 wind farms We provided technical assistance as Owner’s Engineer in the permitting stage by generating all technical documents required for approval process, including the basic design. First of all we worked on selecting the meteorological mast location for measurement campaigns, which then were taken into account in the […]