Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Program for the Nigerian Power Distribution Sector

Increasing the viability of the Nigerian Distribution Sector

This program in support of the Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors (ANED), developed by the bi-lateral French agency AFD and supported by the EU, has recently finalized after providing technical assistance and capacity building to support the viability of the power distribution sector and enhance the bankability of the distribution companies.

The three years technical assistance were led by a resident Team Leader with the support of a multidisciplinary team of international experts, demonstrating bankability of investments and promoting exchange of expertise and best practices among DISCO.


  • 15 approved investment projects.
  • 37M USD for approved investment projects.
  • 3 critical databases built.
  • 37 executive managers trained.
  • 2 performance improvement plan seminars held.
  • 176stakeholders assisted the seminars


  • Installed capacity: 200 MW.
  • HSE procedures and records.
  • Performance or failures of major components.
  • Spare part strategy.
  • Operational budget.

Contact us.

Please feel free to contact us for any request or information.

Luis Cases

Networks Director

    Germán Nieto

    Head of Transmission
