Recognition by Government of India in Generation Planning Report

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) of the Government of India has released its “Report on optimal generation capacity mix for 2029-2030” using Mercados Aries’ energy model ORDENA®. 

ORDENA® is the state of the art energy modelling tool developed by Mercados Aries International that uses mixed integer programming techniques to determine the least cost schedule of generation, storage, transmission and fuel infrastructure required to supply the forecasted load in an individual country or a multi-region or multi-country system. The objective is to minimize investment cost of system assets plus the expected operation cost, composed of fuel cost and variable O&M, plus the value of lost load (VOLL) associated to supply reliability constraints and plus or minus the contribution of externalities. 

The use of ORDENA® in CEA’s study allowed evaluating the impact of technological disruptions in the power sector and how thermal based generation may be replaced by renewable energy generation complimented with energy storage technology within the 2030 horizon. 


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