Revenue Requirements Project – Mozambique

We are happy to have completed the final step of the Revenue Requirement Study project with a formal training course on Revenue Requirement, Tariff setting, and Financial modelling delivered to the Energy Regulatory Authority of Mozambique (Autoridade Reguladora de Energia – ARENE) and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM).

The objective of the said training, provided to 11 professionals of ARENE and 4 professionals of EDM, was to learn the principles and theoretical aspects of the revenue requirements and cost allocation for tariff calculation. In a practical way, we worked with different parameter sensitivities -inputs and outputs in the models-, main financial KPIs, and hands-on training.

Our colleagues Jesús Paniagua Sánchez-Mateos together with Julieta Rabinovich and Erick Amkoa provided the training for this interesting project financed by The World Bank

Contact us:

Jesús Paniagua
