Solar PV & Wind long term price forecast report Q2

We are excited to announce that Mercados – Aries International has presented its quarterly 30 Year Forecast Report for Spanish electricity market and capture prices for Solar PV & Wind, the Q2 2021. Please find a descriptive brochure of the report in this link.

The report shows a green landscape by 2050 with renewables as main energy source. It also demonstrates a moderate increasing trend showing that:

  • Annual average prices in next 30 years will only exceed the high 2018 level of 57.29 € during some periods. Prices will reach up to 60.26 € except in 2021, when we are facing extremely high prices.
  • Although the PV capture price spread will drop down to 0.74, the so-called cannibalisation is not likely to occur in the following three decades, meaning that the capture prices will be over the LCOE.
  • By 2034 the market alone will be able to reach the PNIEC’s target (74% of the of generation with renewables), 4 years later than expected by the government.

For more information on the full report, please contact us.

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