Standard Cost Benchmarks Study for Transmission And Distribution Grids in Uganda

The Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) is a statutory body established to regulate the electricity supply industry in Uganda. To properly assess the economic viability of generation, transmission, and distribution projects, and to establish a solid ground for cost-reflective tariffs Mercados – Aries International has been hired by RTI International (Research Triangle Institute) to assist ERA in order to provide an approach to assessing the cost levels and benchmarks in investment applications, tailored to the Ugandan market.

The main objective of this technical assistance is to formulate an exhaustive standard-cost booklet, which will be used as a benchmark to guide ERA on costs for projects undertaken on the transmission and distribution grids. As a part of assistance, Mercados – Aries International shall conduct capacity building through on-the-job training, seminars, and workshops for ERA staff on industry-standard price-benchmarking techniques and modelling tools.

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